Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall is really here!

The leaves have changed, and are floating to the ground, we had our first real drenching storm on the island, the treefrogs are croaking in the gutters, and all is right in the world! It's been busy busy busy with the Holidays right around the corner. Racing to submit to the holiday guides - look for our ad in the brand new golf magazine The Hacker's Paradise, visit the Golf Talk Live website where we've been chosen as the November Product of the Month, and see all the new features on (Holiday sale specials!)

I'm excited about a new feature on my blog - I'll be writing about the various stones and minerals that I use in my pieces - what they are, where they are found, geologic formation, beliefs, etc. This past week, I had the opportunity to spend a few hours at a rock and gem shop, speaking with a wonderful geologist about all things stone. She was one of the geologists who was up on Mount St. Helens right after it blew it's top, and did SHE have some stories. So stay tuned to learn more!